Thursday, June 18, 2009


How many times have you heard someone say "Even I can do that."

A good friend of mine sold AutoCAD software at one time. He had to take classes, learn the basics of how to use the program so that he could explain it to potential buyers. After awhile he decided that, since he knew how to use the drawing software, he would design his new house. HE knew how to "draw" and HE wouldn't need any help. HE could do it on his own. So I politely kept my mouth closed.

About a year later he told me that he would never design and build a house again.

I have heard this kind of story many times. We all possess certain skills and affinities. To assume that any of us can do anyone else's work because it looks simple is a rather silly idea.

I've learned to love music, painting, building, ice skating, writing, poetry, etc. not because I am good at any one of these but because I have tried them and they are not easy and I appreciate the great talents in other people. When it looks easy it is because the professionals have so much practice that they make it look easy.

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