Thursday, August 6, 2009


As part of the landscape of the winery and vineyard there needs to be a few alternative crops. Because this venture is intended to have a very long life, planting, maintaining and harvesting olive trees seems appropriate.

During my stay in Orlando, we used to frequent a farmer's market in Winter Park on Saturday mornings. One stand featured a variety of olive oils from many different countries. As time went on we tried a number of varieties amazed by the various flavors.

Fine olive oils provide a wonderful compliment to so many foods.

I don't know much about these trees but a few things I've read indicate that they are fairly disease resistant and easy to maintain. They must be hardy since very old trees can be successfully transplanted. I was surprised to see 20 year old trees listed as a standard catalog item.

It would be nice to line the entry road to the winery with olive trees, set back far enough so as not to drop fruit on the roadway but balanced enough as a part of the entrance. At least that's one thought.

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