Saturday, December 13, 2008


It's worth checking out Amber's blog. She raises an interesting in Value Through the Looking Glass. When you get right down to it 'value' is a neutral word. It gains its impact from its surrounding.

So taking this approach I added the following comment --------------

So, I’m doing this quick scan through tweets during lunch. I stop at black raddish alternative to sulfites and some thoughts on “value”.

These picks are tied to my interests.

At the same time each pick is stated in such a way as to hold out the potential of a NEW idea.

My curiosity has been peaked by the possibility of finding something of value.

If the material is good then there is a basis for trust. You should know something more than me, have a different and/or interesting perspective, a unique offering, be involved in an interesting circumstance, are genuinely funny (or sarcastic), etc. I may disagree but the statement may be so well formed as to present an opportunity for exploration together.

It’s at this point that a conversation can begin.

Maybe even a long term one.

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