Thursday, November 13, 2008


A lot of what I do is details, as an architect. But based on my last post you understand that it has to do with a core. That core, sometimes called 'design intent' is a big part of the motivation in discerning the details. These sketches often start in 2 or 3 dimensions, or as I see it, an interpretation of a 4 dimensional form.

That last dimension is the interesting one. It involves a variety of manufactured products, sequence of assembly, the assemblers, stability, waterproofing, wind-proofing, aesthetic balance and of course arriving at a solution that reflects the intention of the larger design.

It is essential to visualize these things and/or operations and/or performance as the end of the pencil/pen moves across the paper. The process of drawing becomes secondary to the almost physical sense of touching the bricks, mortar, window frame, wood block, flashing materials or metal fasteners. One becomes a metal worker, brick layer, carpenter, glazer or roofer as necessary.

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