Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Another twist

You all now can get a chance to see just what kind of mind I do have. It is, probably like so many others, rather strange.

The TED presentations have really started my head jumping around. So much of what is said in the presentations has to do with what one presenter offered from an interview with Studs Terkel - that the most important thing in life is human touch. And how is that defined?

In considering a question on the TED profile questionnaire I've come to the following conclusion: teaching and learning are important to me. And in considering this "passion" if you will, I look back on these 'sound bites' in my life: phrases from books, movies, comments, music from people I know, associate with, have loved or not and have never know except through their words.

These are bits and pieces that I carry around with me all the time. I'm not sure if they are inspiration or simply reminders, or possibly crop up hoping that's it the right time.

Bucky Fuller - "Unity is plural and at a minimum two."

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