Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The answer my friend .....

How's that for a trite introduction?

Anyhow it got your attention.

This may sound like everyone else who is jumping on the GREEN bandwagon but as an architect who has passed through a number of energy crises, I recognize the value for the vineyard to be as self sufficient as possible. The house I designed more than 30 years ago employed as much 'green' as I could muster at the time. But that's a whole other story.

One really interesting element is wind power. In researching the newest technologies this little contraption popped up (helixwind). The largest made is produces 5kw. That should put a dent in the utility bill. And of course the design is very interesting compared to the standard propeller blade design.

I look forward to further investigation and at some point implementation on the vineyard of a renewable energy source like wind power. There will certainly a lot more innovation in this growing technology.

Here's a few more interesting designs.

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