Saturday, December 29, 2007


One in four Americans garden as a hobby.

Some people point to the satisfaction of seeing something grow.

Dr. John Ott actually showed us how things grow when he worked for Disney. (click on the photo)

But usually we see the differences, day to day. And to some degree this is satisfying.

But I've always believed and experienced a different kind of satisfaction.

It's just digging in the dirt. The smell of it, how it turns, what in it that works, the worms, larvae, compost, stones, insects and its texture. All this working together to sustain and promote the myriads of greens and browns and colors that dazzle our eyes and our taste buds.

Digging in the dirt is lake a mantra, digging, turning, breaking it up and turning it again.

Making that connection, with the dirt, starts the vineyard.

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