Monday, December 10, 2007

Colors and Materials

Here's a little discussion about the architecture of the vineyard.

I have walked and driven the vineyard in my mind trying to understand the physical possibilities. There's that long road to the main house lined with the traditional poplars. But of course they could also be olive trees. Somewhere there has to be olive trees even though they would take 10 years to mature. They become a legacy.

But the architecture needs color and the great earth tones of Tuscany are very appealing: raw sienna, yellow ochre, burnt umber and terra-cotta. I've never been really good at color but touring Florence, Sienna and Venice makes a person aware of the vibrancy possible.

I'm trying to discover how these colors are applied. It appears that the technique is fresco. That's where a lime based plaster is tinted and applied directly to the surface of the building.

Anyway it's a start.

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