Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The 5 Year Plan

It couldn't possibly be true.  Yep, Rob had warned me.  The family was walking down the beach somewhere in Florida.  Of course that's all that Florida is is a beach.  Well, actually it's just a big sand bar.  So we're talking about the big 5 YEAR PLAN for the vineyard and Rob says, "Yeah, I'm in the 7th year of MY 5 year plan."  Well that wasn't going to happen to me. No sir!.  You see, I'm just 2 years behind in my 5 year plan. Well maybe 3.   

Hints for writing YOUR 5 year plan: one line item should look like this:

     ITEM #6.  Procrastinate
                      Justifications:  don't have all the facts, do laundry, find a job,
                      exercise (OK that might be a stretch), wishing I'd just win the lottery.

At least admit it up front.  It'll save a lot of soul-searching later on. 

And if there is an english major out there please explain how "procrastinate" is an active verb. 

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