Tuesday, December 29, 2009


So, I was turning some things over in my mind and decided that maybe, just for the sake of argument, I should make some changes in my approach to . . . . . . well . . . . . . just about everything in my life.

Spice up the blog, be more consistent, exercise, find a great job, get financing for the vineyard, assemble a management team. 

Gee that sounds like last years resolutions but that's when I had no motivation.  And that's all changed. 

The 5 Year Plan

It couldn't possibly be true.  Yep, Rob had warned me.  The family was walking down the beach somewhere in Florida.  Of course that's all that Florida is is a beach.  Well, actually it's just a big sand bar.  So we're talking about the big 5 YEAR PLAN for the vineyard and Rob says, "Yeah, I'm in the 7th year of MY 5 year plan."  Well that wasn't going to happen to me. No sir!.  You see, I'm just 2 years behind in my 5 year plan. Well maybe 3.   

Hints for writing YOUR 5 year plan: one line item should look like this:

     ITEM #6.  Procrastinate
                      Justifications:  don't have all the facts, do laundry, find a job,
                      exercise (OK that might be a stretch), wishing I'd just win the lottery.

At least admit it up front.  It'll save a lot of soul-searching later on. 

And if there is an english major out there please explain how "procrastinate" is an active verb. 

Sunday, December 6, 2009

All politics are local

The problem with "global" solutions is that if they don't work the mistakes are global.