Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A walk in the vineyard, diverted

For sometime now I've been trying to imagine what it would be like to start my day in the vineyard.

My first decision was not to start in the vineyard but in the kitchen to bake bread for the day.  This shouldn't be too difficult, just a matter of starting the fire in the oven, preparing the dough for the next day, letting the chilled dough settle to room temperature and bake.

Starting the fires seems like a good way to begin a day. 

A brick oven seems like the good way to go.  Probably feels like a tedious way to bake bread but maybe that's the point.  Ultimately it's the aroma, crust and texture that counts and this is a great way emphasize that.  And it takes a bit more care to do it this way.  One has to pay attention and the attention makes the loaves more valuable. 

Just enough bread for the day and maybe some croutons for soup tomorrow.

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