Sunday, January 4, 2009


OK so we're off to one of our favorite galleries in DC to see a showing of "art glass".

One never knows whether the craftsman has exceeded his craft. But yes, Mr. Tagliapietra has done just that. Besides his extraordinary work exhibited at the Renwick, several notations caught my attention. One regarded his collaborators and the other was a list of 'assistants'.

Mr. Tagliapietra notes that he and his assistants engage in a 'dance' to create the works. Further on, one of his collaborators notes that while working with the master on goblets that he "was definitely in the zone".

These 2 comments will certainly touch many artists. There are those time when doing the work of art becomes a dance or music performance, not in the common way but certainly employing actions that demand precision, coordination and an elegant flow that can only be described as dance or music. These effort is often surprising, gratifying and exhausting while at the same time being exhilarating. It is as if you, as an individual, are no longer in control.

Mr. Tagliapietra's work certainly exemplifies that quality.

I really believe that the work of the vineyard and the making of wine can take on the same qualities.

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