Thursday, August 19, 2010


I was hunting around the web recently and found that someone linked to this site.  That's rather uplifting.  Someone noticed and thought enough to share. 

Let's see if I can own up to that.  My last go 'round with a potential investor didn't go well.  There was no interest at all.  So besides being in the doldrums for awhile a lot of thought has gone into reorienting the entire process.

The burden is really on me.  There probably will be no one else so another system of financing and development is required.

Right now it looks like it will be architecture, moonlighting, residential projects.  Always wanted to do that so it's about time that it became a significant occupation.  It'll give me a chance to get back into designing again and that will help the rest of these efforts.

Friday, April 16, 2010

POTD from the National Arboretum

Wine and Music

In 10 words or less what do you do.

Wine and music is not what I do, it's what I want to do. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mission Hill

Here's a vineyard/winery that started about 30 years ago. 

It may not be your you idea of a vineyard, nor mine, but it still is very impressive.  I wish them much success and need to read further about how they accomplished all they've done. 

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pic of the Day


The woman in this screen shot from the British Columbia ad that plays during the Olympics speaks one word: "Sophisticated".

I really like that.  It's great advertising.

But there is a great deal of effort in wine making.  It is farming after all.  That's a lot of what interests me.  Sure the romance and "sophistication" is nice, but a chance to work in the dirt and grown something good is much more interesting.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Shining


For some reason my mind strayed to one of my favorite thrillers "The Shining".  YouTube has a great video performance by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.  One of the many interesting parts of this performance is the timpanist striking actual bells.  Continuing my exploration I came across this - Kubrick as Architect.

Aside from the maze, which is another concept entirely, there is a certain fascination to be had with the architecture of the building particularly in how Kubrick renders it.  But this article points to some of the fascinating architectural elements and how they relate to the story and its characters. 

"Kubrick attributes to the staircase.....a function which is not only architectural, but also figuratively and narratively pivotal."

Read the article, watch the movie again.