Monday, January 11, 2010

The Shining


For some reason my mind strayed to one of my favorite thrillers "The Shining".  YouTube has a great video performance by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.  One of the many interesting parts of this performance is the timpanist striking actual bells.  Continuing my exploration I came across this - Kubrick as Architect.

Aside from the maze, which is another concept entirely, there is a certain fascination to be had with the architecture of the building particularly in how Kubrick renders it.  But this article points to some of the fascinating architectural elements and how they relate to the story and its characters. 

"Kubrick attributes to the staircase.....a function which is not only architectural, but also figuratively and narratively pivotal."

Read the article, watch the movie again.


Related Stuff

There's lots of stuff to cover.  So there should be some system to identify the topic.

Let's try these for a start: 

DESIGN - to include site and building design
CONSTRUCTION - technical stuff about how to build certain things
VINES & WINE - obvious
MOG - now here is one that i really like.  The term came up during a tour of a tank farm.  Someone was describing the weighing of semis full of grapes.  Some determination had to be made about how much MOG was on the trucks. Materials Other than Grapes.  I'm going to try and take advantage of that term. 

Friday, January 8, 2010

Georgia wines.

If you know what this is, you know a lot more about wine-making than I did last week. 

Generally it's called an amphora but in Georgia it's a qvevri.  The linked article from WaPo is where I learned of this. 

Time to do some more investigation.