Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Too loooong

Well this has been a particularly stressful time. I should have been venting here but that seems so juvenile.

Anyhow, just as an update, this guy is still looking for that perfect job. There are quite a few resumes floating around but only marginal results.

So here's some things I've learned.

Get professional advice about your resume. It really helps.

Applying for a job through a recruiting firm is frustrating and just about worthless.

A LOT of employers don't have the courtesy to acknowledge an application.
And most don't bother to inform you of the results. I stop applying to firms that put out the same ad without acknowledgement or response.
It's just an email for cryin' out loud.

Not all potential are clear about paying for relocation costs/ Check the ad and then ask in the interview.

Sooner or later the question of salary is posed. If changing locations consider these, cost of living, housing differential, income taxes, commuting costs.

Employer: if you won't pay for relocation costs say so in your ad.